On Sleep


Document why you should care about sleep, and what helps you sleep well to live a long and happy life.

Why do I care

NUMEROUS sites, videos, and experts preach the overwhelming benefits of sleep, and yet, so few people actually value it with common sayings as "you can sleep when you're dead". But what if you die sooner without sleep?

Just to list a few known benefits, sleep has shown to:

  • improve your cognitive/mental functions (including memory)
  • improve your emotional regulation
  • improve your happiness/general mood
  • improve your immune system functions

So sleep can make you happier, healthier, and smarter? Wow, it really is our super power.

Rules for a great sleep

These are my personal rules for sleep that are evidence backed, and through personal experimentation have been shown to work for me. YMMV on trying these rules for yourself, but more likely than not they will work for you too.

  • Wake up at approximately the same time EVERY DAY 1
  • Let your body wake up naturally at the end of it's sleep cycle 2
  • The room must be relatively cool/cold (around 68 degrees)
  • You need to stop using computers and prepare your body for bed at least 1 hour before you get in bed
  • The room must be as pitch black as possible 3
  • Have a religious bedtime ritual so your body knows exactly when it’s time for sleep 4


For the past ~year I've been getting around 8-9 hours of sleep per night, and this evidence is purely anecdotal, but I do feel like prioritizing sleep has had numerous positive outcomes on my life. I've noticed on days where I don't get enough sleep my emotions/mind run wild, but after a good rest, things just aren't as big of a deal anymore. I can also work 10+ hour days, and then spend another few hours working on mentally taxing side projects as well these days while remaining fairly focused, where if I get 7 or god forbid 6 hours of sleep per night I would definitely get way more distracted, and probably just give up and want to watch a show and eat chips instead. Which brings up another really good point, I feel like my will power is stronger with more sleep, allowing me to eat healthier, workout consistently, be more productive, and even give me the will power (perhaps habit now) for me to sleep on time, creating a strong positive feedback cycle! Overall, I know everyone could use more, and better sleep, and whether or not this article convinces you, I'm going to keep on valuing my sleep...by going to bed now. 😴

  1. This personally has been more helpful (and sometimes more painful) than having a bedtime, and basically forces a natural bedtime for me
  2. This is why I said "approximately" above. I use a wake up light to signal my wake up in the morning, that doesn't jar me awake when I'm right in the middle of a sweet dream about eating ice cream with the gorillas on the moon.
  3. I use an eye mask, and have even been known to use earplugs on occasion
  4. My body LOVES sleeping at a regular time, and I can even get cranky if I'm not in bet on time...as my girlfriend will attest